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Unit of measurement Tests non discovered in Visual Studio 2017

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  • Unit of measurement Tests not discovered in Visual Studio 2017

I have been struggling with VS 2017 since I installed it. At present it seems Unit Tests volition only run from the command line "dotnet examination."

My project is .NET Core 1.1.ane. I have the SDK and the framework update for i.ane.i installed.

I have tried the sample at MSDN (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-the states/library/ms182532.aspx) which also fails exactly the same manner.

All NuGet packages for the tests and the main project are current. And both the test project and the main project build without errors. An the tests run successfully from the command line.

Has anyone gotten Unit Tests to run in VS 2017, if so how?

Thanks, John

Update - Extend

Hither is an instance of a simple test projection that is not working on GitHub. This is an example with xUnit but I have tried NUnit and visual studio congenital in MS tests. No affair what testing or what changes I make I cannot get the VS examination runner to notice any tests.

What I've Tried

  • Deleting VS test cache files DEL %TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions
  • Restarting VS
  • Closing/Opening examination explorer
  • for xUnit installed Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions (encounter SO post)
  • for NUnit ensure adapter installed and same version (iii) as NUnit package
  • test -> test settings -> default processor architecture is set to x86

The Question
Can anyone please provide a working example of a .Net Cadre 1.1.0 solution in VS2017 (.csproj projection files) where the VS test explorer successfully finds the unit tests OR testify me the issue in the example given.

This question is tagged with unit-testing visual-studio-2017

~ Asked on 2017-03-17 15:52:eleven

35 Answers

In my instance, it turned out that I just had to upgrade my test adapters and test framework. Washed.

Case using the NuGet Package Manager:

enter image description here

~ Answered on 2017-06-02 23:37:40

This only worked for me (don't know if it is the result of changing workspaces that corrupted something):

Deleting VS test enshroud files in %TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions and restart VS2017.

~ Answered on 2017-10-02 19:24:sixteen

The API for test adapters for .NET Core changed with the release of Visual Studio 2017 and the move from the projection.json format to the csproj format. This made the existing dotnet-test-* adapters similar dotnet-test-nunit obsolete.

The adapters accept been updated, but the way y'all set and run tests in Visual Studio or on the control line with dotnet exam requires different references in your examination projects. Beware of whatsoever documentation you observe that reference packages in the dotnet-examination-* format because they are outdated.

Start, your test projection must target a specific platform, either .Internet Core or .Internet Framework. It cannot target .NET Standard even if the lawmaking you are testing is .NET Standard. This is considering the target of the tests indicates which platform to run the tests under. .NET Standard is like a PCL (Portable Course Library) in that it can run on many platforms.

Next, you need to add references to Microsoft.Net.Examination.Sdk, your examination framework of choice and a compatible test adapter. For NUnit, your references volition look like this,

              <itemgroup>     <packagereference Include="Microsoft.NET.Examination.Sdk" Version="fifteen.0.0"></packagereference>     <packagereference Include="NUnit" Version="iii.7.1"></packagereference>     <packagereference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.8.0"></packagereference> </itemgroup>                          

A comment above mentions adding,

              <ItemGroup>     <Service Include="{82a7f48d-3b50-4b1e-b82e-3ada8210c358}" /> </ItemGroup>                          

This isn't strictly required, but can help. It is added automatically to all unit exam projects by Visual Studio to assistance information technology chop-chop find projects with tests.

If your tests don't announced in Visual Studio, the first affair to endeavor is closing your solution and then re-opening them. There appear to be bugs in Visual Studio not detecting changes to projects when you edit them.

For more than data, see Testing .NET Core with NUnit in Visual Studio 2017.

~ Answered on 2017-05-16 12:thirty:24

Forgetting to make the test form public prevents the test methods inside to be discovered.

I had a default xUnit projection and deleted the sample UnitTest1.cs, replacing it with a controller test class, with a couple of tests, only none were found.

Long story brusque, later updating xUnit, Examination.Sdk, xUnit.runner packages and rebuilding the project, I encountered a build fault:

Error xUnit1000 Test classes must be public

Thankfully, the updated version threw this exception to spare me some trouble.

Modifying the examination class to exist public fixed my result.

~ Answered on 2017-11-29 14:19:xvi

I had the same issue and got it to work by doing the post-obit:

  • First, shut all open up Visual Studio instances and delete this folder: %TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions (Running tests with Visual Studio)
  • Get to your NuGet packet director and install Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk (fifteen.iii.0-preview-20170425-07) first and then install xunit.runner.visualstudio (2.3.0-beta1-build1309). Come across attached NuGet screenshot to encounter all the packages I had to install to get the latest VS 2017 to detect my tests.NuGet Screenshot

~ Answered on 2017-04-26 15:00:59

In my instance, I target the test project to x64 Architecture and the examination setting Compages (test > Default Processor Compages) changed was set up to x86. They didn't match.

After setting the test setting Compages back to x64 and rebuilding, all tests were discovered once again.

~ Answered on 2017-11-23 xi:19:22

For me, the outcome was that I mistakenly placed exam cases in an internal class

              [TestClass] internal class TestLib { }                          

That was causing test cases not being identified.

~ Answered on 2018-08-xxx 12:34:36

I had trouble with VS 2017 finding my UnitTest too. It wasn't the exact problem John was asking - but this was the first issue in google that I came looking for and so I wanted to share my issue.

I had a legacy solution coming dorsum from VS2010 going over VS2013, VS2015. Now in VS2017 it seems namespaces for the [TestMethod] Attribute have changed.

Earlier information technology was using

              Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework, Version=                          

I created a new Test.dll in the project and that one used by default

              Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework, Version=                          

So my solution was to create a new UnitTest project from inside VS2017. Maybe changing assembly references for the onetime test projection would have worked as well. With the new reference VS2017 did detect those unit tests.

~ Answered on 2017-06-16 ten:45:27

~ Answered on 2017-03-17 18:52:55

I know that OP has listed this on his checklist, simply it's easy to overlook that point while doing clean install of Visual Studio 2017 and setting upwardly new projection. Apart from NUnit project template and NUnit Framework one needs to install NUnit adaptor separately, e.g. using NuGet command Install-Parcel NUnit3TestAdapter -Version 3.9.0. After that Visual Studio Community 2017 started discovering unit tests without whatever problems.

~ Answered on 2018-01-29 fourteen:19:22

Be sure that you are using the correct Microsoft.NET.Exam.Sdk:

              <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk" Version="xv.0.0" />                          

Exercise not use pre-release ones. Or y'all have to change to console app (not library). I have the similar issue, merely with the latest release (fifteen.0.0), it starts working over again.

Too, you may take to add:

              <ItemGroup>   <Service Include="{82a7f48d-3b50-4b1e-b82e-3ada8210c358}" /> </ItemGroup>                          

but I practise not recall it is nessesary.

~ Answered on 2017-04-04 02:eighteen:21

In my case the Test Explorer couldn't notice my tests after I moved the project to a new solution.

The answer was merely that I had a reference to the old MS Exam Adapter in my project.

I had a duplicate of the line beneath for version 1.1.11 of the MS Test Adapter in my cs.proj file:

<Import Project="..\packages\MSTest.TestAdapter.1.1.eighteen\build\net45\MSTest.TestAdapter.props" Status="Exists('..\packages\MSTest.TestAdapter.1.i.18\build\net45\MSTest.TestAdapter.props')" />

To gear up the problem,

  1. Right click on project and select 'Unload Project'.
  2. Right click project and select 'Edit'
  3. Remove line that imports onetime version of adapter.
  4. Right click on projection and select 'Reload Project'.
  5. Rebuild Solution/Project

~ Answered on 2017-09-07 07:57:04

Just had this problem with visual studio being unable to find my tests, couldn't meet the button to run them too the method, and they weren't picked up by running all tests in the project.

Turns out my exam class wasn't public! Making it public allowed VS to notice the tests.

~ Answered on 2018-08-29 15:04:01

In my case, it was a projection I had upgraded the test project from an before .Internet version. in the app.config I had assemblybindings to previous versions of the dependant assemblies.

Afterward fixing the assembnlybindings in the app.config, my tests got discovered.

~ Answered on 2017-12-08 11:19:53


The top answers above did not work for me (restarting, updating to version 1.ane.eighteen ... I was already updated, deleting the temp files, clearning NuGet cache etc).

What I discovered is that I had differing references to MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.Framework in different test projects (my solution has two). One was pointed to one.1.18 like...


              <package id="MSTest.TestAdapter" version="ane.1.18" targetFramework="net461" /> <package id="MSTest.TestFramework" version="i.1.18" targetFramework="net461" />                          

... but another has the references to ane.1.11. Some of the answers in a higher place atomic number 82 to this discovery when two versions of the libraries showed up in my temp directory (%TEMP%\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions\) later restarting Visual Studio.


Merely updating my packages.config to the 1.1.xviii version is what restored my unit tests functionality in VS. It appears that there are some bugs that exercise not allow side-by-side references of the MSTest libraries. Hope this helps y'all.

More info:

  • Visual Studio 2017 Ent: 15.5.6 (I had updated from 15.0.one with hopes to set up this issue, only I had it in both)

~ Answered on 2018-02-01 nineteen:12:43

I was facing the same issue, in my case in club to resolved

  1. I opened the windows console (windows key + cmd).
  2. Navigate to the folder where the project was created.
  3. Executed the command "dotnet examination" information technology is basically the same examination that visual studio executes but when you run it thru console it allows you to see the complete trace.
  4. I got this error bulletin "TestClass attribute divers on non-public class MSTest.TestController.BaseTest"
  5. So I went to the test instance and mark it every bit public, build once again and my tests are being displayed correctly

~ Answered on 2019-11-29 09:48:34

Solution was removing my app.config file from my unit of measurement test project. The tests will re-appear!

This file referenced some dll's in the bindingredirects that were not actually nowadays in the project references. Re-add the assemblybindings that are strictly necessary for your project.

~ Answered on 2018-06-25 07:56:32

For me was easier to create a new test project that works perfectly fine with Visual Studio 2017... and only copy the test files, add references, and NuGet packages as required.

enter image description here

~ Answered on 2017-08-07 03:28:38

Removing quondam .dll should help. Clearing temp files located in the %TEMP% directory at C:\Users(yourusername)\AppData\Local\Temp

~ Answered on 2018-04-04 09:05:57

I've tried everything only nothing helped. In my case, I had a solution with several test projects and some of them were using the one-time ms-test framework then Visual Studio found only those.

I installed the test framework packages for all exam projects as showed in this answer, so removed the references to the old quality-tools, restarted Visual Studio, and now I tin run into all tests.

~ Answered on 2017-08-18 09:21:53

For C++:

Every bit at that place is no special question for C++ tests, but the topic is very much the same, here is what helped me when I had the trouble with examination discovery.

If you have only installed Desktop evolution with C++, then the solution is to also install Universal Windows Platform development with the optional C++ Universal Windows Platform tools. Yous can select these in the visual studio web installer.

Subsequently, rebuild your test projection and the test discovery should work.

Btw, I created the unit of measurement test project in VS2017. It might be important, considering some users mentioned, that they had discovery issues in projects, that were migrated from VS2015 to VS2017.

~ Answered on 2018-03-03 17:28:44

I had the same issue. My solution was OK simply suddenly when I opened the solution I institute out the tests are gone.

Finally I downgraded Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework and Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.Extensions packages to a very old version (using NuGet managing director) and test methods showed up. Then I upgraded to latest version and even so there were there.

And then just downgrade and upgrade packages.

~ Answered on 2017-11-23 07:23:20

In my case, it was UWP project present in the solution causing the result.

When I unloaded the UWP project, tests were discovered. When I loaded it back, test disappeard again.

Try to unload all projects and keep test project only. 10 rebuild solution and examination shound appear in Test Runner. Load projects 1 by 1 and rebuild solution each fourth dimension to find out what project are causing the problem

sample repo

VS bug report

~ Answered on 2017-03-31 12:52:14

The Issue

The trouble is that Visual Studio is getting 'dislocated' over the dotnet core versions on the motorcar. When I went to control console -> uninstall programs I had 8 unlike dotnet core SDK'due south and Runtimes installed. This was somehow causing VS to silently have an error when trying to discover tests.

Validate The Issue

You can validate the issue by going to the control line and getting the version of dotnet your on $ dotnet --version. If y'all see anything except the latest version yous take installed and so your machine has some mismatch and is not using the right version. Example...If you accept dotnet core 1.0.1 installed but when you get the version at command prompt and it says 1.0.0 thats a problem.

The Solution

Delete all the quondam stuff. I started with just what I though I needed to remove (the oldest dotnet rc versions) simply it still gave the wrong version when testing the issue. Somewhen I conceded to do a total clean. I...

  • Uninstalled all visual studio applications (on my machine VS2015 and VS2017)
  • Uninstalled all versions of dotnet core (fifty-fifty most recent)

After my machine was completely empty of all VS and donet I installed only VS2017 (it comes packaged with latest dotnet). I created a xUnit test project and the test explorer institute the examination immediately SOLVED

This may seem like overkill merely I spent 2 weeks trying to set up this in other ways. If your having the issue simply do it, even though information technology may have you hours to uninstall/reinstall items information technology volition probably save yous time.


  • Run across @epestic web log post where he gives more than particular on fixing the effect.

~ Answered on 2017-04-01 15:forty:55

In the case of .Cyberspace Framework, in the test project in that location were formerly references to the following DLLs:

              Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.Extentions                          

I deleted them and added reference to:


And and then all the tests appeared and started working in the same fashion as before.

I tried about all of the other suggestions above before, merely only re-referencing the examination DLLs worked alright. I posted this answer for those who are in my case.

~ Answered on 2019-06-18 08:44:59

For me, changing the TargetFramework in the exam projection's .csproj file from

              <PropertyGroup>   <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.0</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup>                          


              <PropertyGroup>   <TargetFramework>net46</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup>                          


~ Answered on 2017-09-21 15:49:31

Sometimes irresolute the namespace of the tests work. I had the folder structure as follows:

A |___B | |___D |___C___E

The namespace was flat like Tests.< name > and they did not show upward in the exam window. When I changed the namespace to the construction of the directory, all the tests showed up. Now I could revert back to any other namespace construction I want.

Practice not forget to build your project!

~ Answered on 2018-12-twenty 03:17:28

On my case none of the higher up help to me. Merely, i downgrade NUNit3TestAdapter to version iii.viii.0, then upgrade to the latest (3.10.0)

~ Answered on 2018-08-xx 09:22:48

I deleted the BIN and OBJ folders for the project. Once I did that, everything worked properly.

~ Answered on 2019-02-15 16:53:49

In my case, the problem was that the project blazon was set to static library (lib), and it should exist a dynamic library (dll).

~ Answered on 2018-09-20 16:52:38

Sometimes, I notice if you have stackoverflow exceptions in your unit examination lawmaking, visual studio will mark that unit test case as not run and will finish running other test cases that follow this instance.

In this case, you have to find out which case is causing the stackoverflow exception.

~ Answered on 2018-10-18 xiii:41:43

For me, I needed to run this, which updated all the nunit adapter links for the unit examination projects:

              Install-Package Nunit3TestAdapter                          

~ Answered on 2020-05-28 13:57:47

Check if the NUnit 3 Test Adapter is enabled. In my case, I already installed it a long fourth dimension agone, but suddenly information technology got disabled somehow. Took me quite a while earlier I decided to check that part...

NUnit 3 Test Adapter Disabled

~ Answered on 2018-12-20 ten:41:37

At first, i've tried to apply MSTest. Later that, i change it to Nunit test. And so i wanted to back MSTest. I removed all nUnit codes and references but Test Explorer did not bear witness MSTest methods. Solution: I removed all mstest nuget references and reinstalled. Done.

~ Answered on 2017-09-06 xiii:06:23

I had the same effect when migrating from Visual Studio 2017 to 2019. I had to reinstall Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk in all my test projects.

~ Answered on 2019-12-11 ten:57:48

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Source: https://syntaxfix.com/question/1499/unit-tests-not-discovered-in-visual-studio-2017

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